Thursday is Weigh In Day

I know, I know. You are thinking “but Jamie, isn’t your weigh in day on Friday?” – yes. 

I like to have my weigh ins on Friday, but I have to alter it this week.

You see, my little sister (well, she’s twelve now – time flies!) is graduating from the elementary school and is moving on up to the middle school. My mom wants to make a big deal out of it and so we are going out to dinner on Thursday. I figured I’ll get her a card and maybe a few other little things and that will be that; she’ll be a happy camper. 

…Going out to dinner doesn’t sound so bad, right? I can typically log everything before hand and do extra exercise the days leading up to the dinner so that everything is nice and ready to go. Unfortunately, my sister loves Old Country Buffet. My mom will rarely take her there because it is expensive and because…it’s a buffet and she has that fat kid issue like me 😉 

So because this is something special, we are going to take her there. 

At first I was all disgusted because I love eating there. I love their mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, fish, and their fried chicken. YUM! And not to mention that particular cake that they have. Oh my. As you can see, I am not very good with holding back. I tried it once when we went there shortly after I started my diet and I had a salad and told myself that was all I could have. I ended up eating much more than I had normally done and I am sure it was because I tried to restrict. Silly me.

I was only disappointed and disgusted because Thursday is the day before my weigh-in. I have a cheat day on Friday after my weigh in, but if I did so on Thursday I would potentially damage my loss for Friday. So needless to say I was unhappy. 

Then it started to hit me that I could make my weigh in for this week on Thursday and then replace my cheat day on Friday with Thursday after my weigh in. I probably won’t have as high of a loss on Thursday as I would Friday, but at least it wouldn’t throw me off. 

So now I am a happy camper. I am going to work really hard for the next handful of days to ensure that I have the best weigh in that I could possibly have Thursday. From there, I will get to eat lots and lots of yummy and probably very unhealthy foods. 


So let’s make this week count, guys!
