Under eating

So unless the Chinese food was worse than what I put, I think I under ate yesterday.

It wasn’t on purpose, believe me.

You see, I had added the Chinese food and pre planned what I was going to eat so that it would be easier for me to know how much exercise I should do.

Well I ended up getting hungry at weird points and ate a few extra rice cakes.

I kept logging everything and went about my day.

Then Dustin and I decided to get sheetz, where I got a salad and Mac and cheese bites; so good. Anyway…

We were on the last two episodes of the sopranos and decided to watch both. After we found ourselves reading blogs and the sub reddit about the ending.

The next thing I know it is already almost four. Instead of getting my late night snacks I went to bed. I was hungry and tempted, but the timing was no good. I ended up with 1,090 calories for the day.

I don’t typically like eating less than 1,200 calories. Maybe it will help balance my cheat night out a little though.

I wanted to write earlier , but ended up giving Balto a bath. He doesn’t like getting a bath and so of course it took longer than it should have :p .

I didn’t get to watch much of Orange is the New Black yesterday …so I am hoping to get in a lot of time today 😉