Ut Oh, Chinese Food!

Okay, okay.

Remember how I said that we were going to Outback Steakhouse? 

Well we didn’t exactly go to Outback.

Instead we went and got a crap ton of Chinese food and then dessert. 

I don’t regret it. It was my cheat and our special day and ….yep – worth it.

What I do regret is this morning, well – lunch time. 

Dustin was having left overs from last night and I was getting my salad, apple, and rice cake together. 

I didn’t even feel like I was missing out on the Chinese Food. It wasn’t until I was cleaning up the stuff and was about to throw away the rest of the pork fried rice that temptation hit me.

Me being me, I ate the rest of it.


Oh yes.

I tried to log it on my food diary, but food like that is always iffy on the exact nutritional info. 

I did log some, though. Therefore I am accountable and did not just shrug it off.

Progress? Absolutely.

I am pleased with myself and am going to eat just a wee bit lighter tonight.

I’ll also do some extra exercise, which shouldn’t be much of an issue.

I want to binge watch the new season of Orange is the New Black, anyway 😉 . 

Which means my butt should be on the elliptical for hours.

I feel overall pretty good, though. 

I feel amazing knowing that I feel like my mind is back on track and that I am pretty close to reaching my 100lbs goal. 

There is only one thing that I have to complain about today and that is my foot!

I’m sure that I have mentioned this before, but I have had a handful of foot surgeries.

Even after them all I still have issues from time to time. Usually in a different area other than the original problem area.

Not this time, though. I don’t know if it is from walking around too much at Six Flags and then exercising on top of that, but whatever it is I am in pain! The whole bottom of my foot (base of the second toe) is all sore. It is almost always somewhat puffy so I can’t even judge it by if it is swollen or not haha. It hurts to even curl my toes at this point. Dustin made me a makeshift ice pack holder (a.k.a my headband and a thin towel used to keep the ice pack in place) last night since it was beyond manageable.

It feels a tad bit better today, but still very sore. 

I’m not going to take it easy today, though. I mean, I might not go as hard today and instead opt for a few extra hours instead.

 I’d much rather have to exercise for an extra 2 hours then do less time, but have my foot feel worse. 

Tv will help, anyway

Okay I think I have ranted enough.

I’ll update you later 😉


Sorry guys, I’m sickly!


I am not completely sure where to begin. First of all, the lack of sleep and taking random naps has me all messed up. Then there is the fact that my foot is insanely sore (I think from playing DDR – my feet are bad…I think I’ve mentioned my foot surgeries). Then the sore throat and body aches (which are slightly better today than they were yesterday). To top everything off, my left bottom wisdom tooth is giving me some issues. I’m one of those people who hasn’t been to a dentist in years – awful I know. It’s not that I don’t care about my well-being. It’s just… I don’t have insurance and then you don’t think about that stuff and then the next thing you know years have passed. I don’t think that there is anything wrong with my wisdom teeth other than the soreness from them coming in. For example, my right side was doing this a month or two ago and I freaked. Now? I don’t have any issues with that side at all. Now the left side is giving me a hassle. I think it is just from the tooth coming in. It’s not even the tooth – it’s my gums/cheek. Clearly, there isn’t enough room for it in there – but it is making room (at least I hope so). Dustin wants me to go and have a simple cleaning to see if they mention my wisdom teeth. If they do and if they recommend taking them out then I’ll consider it, but until then I am going to try to STOP thinking about them having to take my wisdom teeth and the million things that could go wrong if they do. 

I sound like a nut case. 


I wish I could go on to brighter news, but not just yet. I pigged out on the snacks that my sister and her friend left here. Pigged out. Stuffed face. I moped for a little while and then decided that I was being absolutely ridicules. I then got out of bed and pre-planned my meals and food log for the next two weeks. This should help me stay on track without going overboard on things that I don’t have to be eating. Rah. I’m disappointed in myself, but it is what it is. 

I decided to do a half day fast. I skipped breakfast and lunch and will be eating dinner and a snack. It will end up being less than 1,000 calories and I do plan to get in some exercise. I am hoping that this will help me with some of the crap that I stuffed into my face. Dustin thinks extra exercise will be enough, but I don’t really feel like eating anyway – I might go back to bed for a while.

Ugh. i’m sorry for such a depressing post today. I just don’t feel myself. Hopefully I’ll be in a brighter mood tonight and can give you guys a happier update 😉
