Nightly Update

I did it!

A successful and relatively healthy day 😉

Now if I can repeat this for the next 2 months then I should definitely reach my 100 pounds lost in a year goal that I have set. 

This post isn’t going to be long because I am sick.

I think this has been brewing for a little while now. I feel sick…don’t rest and take care of myself and then get hit again within a week. 

This time I am going to make sure I am getting plenty of rest. 

I took a nice long nap today and other than my exercise I have been trying to take it easy. 

I just wanted to post my food and exercise logs so that I can get back into the habit of writing a post before bed each night. 

So here they are:



Like I said, it was a pretty great diet day for me. 

I wish that I would have cut out the multiple bowls of cereal tonight, but my chocolate craving was pretty high 😛

Oh, here are a few pictures that I meant to post earlier from this weekend:










It really was a blast! Hopefully I didn’t gain too much. Maybe I’ll stay the same? I still have 2 more days until my weigh in, which means three days of being back to it. My fingers will be crossed that I don’t go too far in the wrong direction. 

I’m back at it, though. 

I’m proud of myself for getting back at it. 

Until tomorrow!

MorningStar Makes Being A Veggie, Delicious!

I knew as soon as I started working up my food log for today that I had to write my post on MorningStar products. 

It’s been three full months since Dustin and I have switched to a vegetarian lifestyle. I told myself that I wasn’t going to be eating the fake meat, which made getting my protein a bit tricky (but string cheese, nuts, and protein bars became my go to sources). You might be asking yourself why I would have avoided the “fake” meat options, like soy, tofu, chickpea, mushroom, and all of those other options that are available to vegetarians. 

Well. In short, I tried tofu and was completely turned off trying anything else. I am a bit of a picky eater (Dustin would call me an extreme picky and plain eater) and I have a very plain taste tolerance. I try new things, but 9 times out of 10 I won’t like it. Anyway. Back to the tofu. I couldn’t do it. I didn’t like anything about it. In particular, like most people, I couldn’t stand the texture. Blegh. Ick. Ick. Yuck! 

That was enough alternative meat for me. 

Then I was craving sandwiches. Dustin and I used to buy hoagies and make our own subs quite often (probably more often than someone on a diet should). I craved a sandwich enough to venture to the Tofurky lunch meats. Again, I was turned off of alternative meats. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that the sandwich was bad. … It just – didn’t taste like anything I had ever eaten before. It was kind of like cafeteria mystery meat. 

So over a month has passed. Dustin finally convinced me to try a few things within the last week. First I made a sesame chicken and broccoli dish using Wegmans Don’t Be A Chicken Meatless Nuggets. I actually enjoyed the nuggets. They were a bit “off” when it came to tasting like chicken, but only slightly. I would buy them again and put ketchup or some other kind of sauce on them. Yum! 

Then we had Wegmans Don’t Have a Cow meatless crumbles. I ended up using them to make hamburger helper (double cheeseburger macaroni for the win!). This wasn’t bad at all – in fact I actually enjoyed it. I won’t ever buy it again, though. Let me explain. The meatless crumbles have a very strong smokey taste, which overpowered the cheesy goodness in the hamburger helper. I ate two helpings of this, though – so please understand that it wasn’t a bad taste.. just different. The bad part came a few hours later when Dustin and I found that we were burping up the smokey flavor taste…. 

Then something amazing happened. Dustin was passing the frozen section and pointed out the MorningStar Corn Dogs. He wanted them and he wanted mac and cheese to go with them; simple enough. So we made them for dinner one night and OH MY GOODNESS…. they were corn dogs. If someone would have made these for me I would have had no idea that they were not real meat. 

So then we tried the Morning Star Chik Patties, chicken patties. I had one on a bun with ketchup and the other just with some ketchup on it. Again, I was absolutely blown away. CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN GOODNESS!!! Dustin said that there was a slightly different taste, but only slightly. I don’t know if it was a mental thing for me or what, but this was chicken. It tasted just like chicken. I was so thrilled. We just bought more last night at the store  😉 

We went shopping last night and grabbed more corn dogs and more chik patties. We also grabbed meatless crumbles (like the wegmans kind that we had tried) so that I can make more hamburger helper to compare the taste and BURGERS! 

We are having the burgers tonight because both Dustin and I have been craving a Five Guys burger recently 😛

I am hopeful that they are as amazing in taste as the Chik Patties were. 

I’ll keep you posted!
