Holiday Madness Ends, Strict Diet Begins


I enjoyed an amazing holiday weekend with both of our families. We had a great time and ate tasty/awful foods.

But that was that.

Now it is time to get my butt back into this.

I am thinking about saving $$ and still eating healthy. I’ve decided utilizing the crock pot might be our best option. I can spend a day prepping and freezing main dishes for two weeks and then everything would be easy peasy.

I want to get rid of our food first. We have a bunch of stuff that we have let sit in there because we weren’t in the mood for it. Now it is time to empty house.

So I went through and pre planned my food until Monday. This will get rid of a big portion of our stuff and will then let me see if we can make a few more meals before shopping.

So now I have no excuses. My meals are logged and now all I have to do is stay on track and exercise.

So far so good.

I woke up today and jumped right into an hour of exercise. It felt great.

I feel great.

I can do this.

Less than fifteen pounds to lose in the next 59 days.

I’m determined.